Don’t you be there …just get out.
Plans are plans, they will backfire
Does that mean you lose the desire?
The time is right…the time is just,
Plan again & give them your thrust.
Believe in your willpower...don’t let it rust,
Giving back to the bullies… Now is a must.
You have to help yourself…you have to be the first,
You have to dig the well to fight & quench your thirst.
You are the ray of hope… you have to be the light,
You have to take it head-on… you have to use your might.
It has to come from within…it has to come from your thought,
The fear has to be conquered… it has to be fought.
Be aggressive … give it your best shot,
This happens quite often…this is not new,
Some loose, some leave & some fall…
but those who bounce back are only a few.